
豬 Pork


回鍋面青 $95
Stir-Fried Pork with Onion & Pepper

紫荊城小炒 $98
“Forbidden City” Dish –Stir-Fried Pork with Mushrooms and Onions

京醬肉絲跟餅 $108
Shredded Pork in Beijing Soya Sauce Served with Pancakes

京燒排骨架 $108
Ribs in Beijing Style

火爆腰花 $108
Fried Pig’s Waist

宮爆腰花 $108
Stir-fried Kidney with Chili and Peanuts

漁香肉絲 $99
Fish-flavored Shredded Pork Meat in Garlic Sauce

木須肉 $85
Stir-Fried Pork with Chinese Spinach and Egg

紅燒豬肉粉條凍豆腐 $118
Pork and Vermicelli Tofu with Brown Sauce

阿婆紅燒肉 (每塊) $70
Grandma Pork and Vermicelli

老媽紅燒肉 (例) $108
Beijing Style Pork and Vermicelli

溜肝尖 $118
Pig’ s Liver with Brown Sauce

醬爆肉丁 $98
Pork with Beijing Soya Sauce

和菜戴帽 (配春餅八張) $128
Stir-Fried Shredded Pork and Mixed Vegetables in an Egg Omelette

糖醋小排骨 $118
Steamed Pork with Sweet and Vinegar

乾炸丸子 $108
Fried Pork Meat Balls

紅燒丸子 $108
Fried Pork Meat Balls

焦溜丸子 $108
Fried Pork Meat Balls

糖醋丸子 $108
Pork Meat Ballswith Sweet and Vinegar

尖椒肚片 $98
Tripe Fillet with Green Capsicum

芫爆肚絲 $98
Tripe Fillet with Corinder

豬肉粉條 $118
Pork Bean Rolls

老守家拆骨 $108

格格楂楂肉 $108
Pork with Chinese Hawthorn, green,red bell pepper

Pork with salte mustard, clay oven rolls